Archive for September, 2011

It is getting more difficult to pass Insurance Company medicals

September 28, 2011

The facts are that medical underwriting for life insurance policies, critical care, long-term care and disability insurance  protection is a roadblock for  any applicant and agent seeking  approval of these applications.  All of these policies require varying degrees of medical checks.  And these checks are getting tougher.   There are fewer companies willing to accept 100% of the risk and when this risk is sent out to other reinsurance companies  to  help share the risk  on an application there are fewer companies who are now in the business of accepting such applications.   The underwriters themselves are heavily loaded with administration duties,  they are understaffed, many underwriters are working only part-time and the decisions that come from their thick texts may or may not be correct.  In recent years many more medical conditions  that might otherwise been omitted have been added as risks.  Under these and other pressures many applications  may not be properly assessed for suitability.

At the agent client level  the application for insurance is increasingly a very time-consuming  process for both the agent and the client.

There is nothing positive about any of this.  If anything it says that for those who want any of this kind of insurance it would be best that they apply at the latest when they are in their early fifties.   Leaving it to later greatly reduces the possibility of being approved.  I cannot foresee any of it getting any better.

September 18, 2011

Universities acknowledge  erosion of the undergraduate experience.  Globe and Mail Sept 15  2011   James Bradshaw

  • The price of earning a degree rises steadily
  • Universities are not providing meaningful contact with accessible professors
  • Over the past two decades tuition fees  have risen  two and a half times just to keep pace with costs
  • Schools have boosted enrollment faster than they hired faculty
  • The ratios of students to professors has swelled
  • Cooperative and field opportunities are lacking

To these serious concerns  add increased costs   for accommodation,  student loans, texts and computers.   And ask yourself what kinds of jobs are the university graduates getting.  And how will they pay the thousands of dollars that they owe when they graduate when they cannot get satisfactory career jobs.

And equally important WHO IS GOING TO CHANGE IT.